Modern Design Auction - DAY ONE
Por Uniques And Antiques Auction Sales
2500 Market St, Upper Chichester PA 19014 USA, Estados Unidos
Modern Design from Local estates and consigners.
La subasta ha concluído

LOTE 34:

Spanish Damascene Figural Turtle Bell Push. Push the head and the tail rings the bell. Marked.


Vendido por: $100
Precio inicial:
$ 80
Precio estimado :
$120 - $160
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25% Más detalles
IVA: 6% IVA sólo en comisión
Los usuarios de países extranjeros pueden estar exentos de pagar impuestos, de acuerdo con la normativa fiscal de su país

Spanish Damascene Figural Turtle Bell Push. Push the head and the tail rings the bell. Marked.

Dimensions: H: 2 inches: W: 5 inches: D: 2.75 inches ---

Condition: Light wear.

Important Message: We offer curbside delivery to NYC, Manhattan, Close Brooklyn, Hoboken about a week after the auction at reasonable rates. See details at our website.