3 Day Modern and Decorative Auction
2500 Market St, Upper Chichester PA 19014 USA, Vereinigte Staaten
Garden items and Sculpture, Asian Snuff bottles, Sterling Jewelry, Lionel trains, Oriental carpets from local estates and consigners.

LOS 1323:

Pr bumpy greenish glaze terra cotta planter pots. Ring of raised bumps around shoulder of ceramic pottery vessels. ...

Verkauft für: $275
$ 125
Geschätzter Preis :
$150 - $250
Auktionshaus-Provision: 25% Nähere Details
MwSt: 6% Auf den vollen Lospreis und die Provision
Ausländische Benutzer können gemäß der jeweiligen Steuervorschriften gegebenenfalls von Steuerzahlungen befreit werden

Pr bumpy greenish glaze terra cotta planter pots. Ring of raised bumps around shoulder of ceramic pottery vessels. Dimensions: Height: 15 inches, Width: 13 inches, Depth: 13 inches. ---

US Packing and Shipping charge: In house shipping available. Will be calculated once destination known. Plus insurance at a rate of $1 per hundred. - We offer curbside delivery for most items to NYC, Manhattan, Close Brooklyn, Hoboken about a week after the auction at reasonable rates. Next Trip October 9. See details at our website. https://www.uniquesandantiques.com/nyc/
Condition: Very Good Condition. Intentional wear.