Subasta 140 Parte 2 Early Prints, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad
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Post-Incunabla: Sefer HaIkarim - Faith and Philosophy. Venice, 1521

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Post-Incunabla: Sefer HaIkarim - Faith and Philosophy. Venice, 1521

Sefer HaIkarim, Jewish faith and philosophy by Rabbi Yosef Albo. [Venice, Daniel Bomberg Press, 1521.] Early edition. Incomplete copy.

Sefer HaIkarim is considered sought-after and beloved among scholars. It was printed no less than five times [!] in the incunabula and post-incunabula periods. It first appeared in Soncino (1486), then in Salonika (1520), Venice (1521 - this edition), Rimini (1522), and Venice (1544). There may have been another edition printed in Pano (c. 1506).

The first edition was printed by the Soncino family. When Daniel Bomberg printed this edition here, he aroused the fury of Gershom Soncino - his main competitor in printing Hebrew books, who rushed to print a "revised" edition of the sefer, which was released the following year, in 1522. In the introduction to his revised edition, Soncino writes sharp polemic words against this edition: "People rose up to spite him, to reprint it and his face distorted ... Not only were important things left out, but they also refuted them and said the opposite ... Because Esav has withered in Israel and his home has become fire and Yosef's home a flame, and the house of Esav withered straw, burning in them. It will not be extinguished until they are lowered into Be'er Shachat ..."

In Ma'amar Shlishi, Chapter 25, there is a question from a Christian scholar to the author together with his response, in which sharp words were written about the Christian faith. This brought the sefer into this list of sefarim supervised by the censor.

Notations and short comments in Sephardic script. Stamps from the Menachem Tziyon study hall at Churvat Reb Yehudah HeChassid.

[139] leaf, lacking the title page and leaf [4]. 20 cm.

Moderate condition. Many adhesions and reinforcements. Tears and wear in the margins of some of the leaves, in individual leaves with light damage to the text. Stains. Worming perforations with lack in the text, primarily in the first and last leaves. Simple fabric binding.