Subasta 091 Kodesh books, Rare Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Zionism, Erez Israel, Judiaca objects, Jewish art, numismatics and archeology
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LOTE 35:

Adrian Reland, Analecta Rabbinica. 1723. Complete set of rare books in Latin about Hebrew grammar. Second edition. ...

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$ 400
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$1 000 - $800
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Adrian Reland, Analecta Rabbinica. 1723. Complete set of rare books in Latin about Hebrew grammar. Second edition. Holland, 1723.
Adrian Reland, Analecta Rabbinica. Complete set of rare books of the great researchers of Hebrew Grammar. In Latin. Second edition. Utrecht (Holland). 1723. 17 cm, 4 books and introduction. Second edition of collection of the greatest researchers of the Hebrew Grammar, in Latin, by Hadriani Relandi, (1676-1718) Dutch researcher and philologist. He was one of the first that was active in the research of the East who greatly influenced the early geographical research of the Land of Israel. The books contain rules of Latin research (Christian) about the Hebrew and Rabbinical language and a translation into Latin of the commentaries of Rabbis that were involved with grammar such as Rashi and the Radak. This edition is not found in the National Library. The full name of the collection is: Hadriani Relandi Analecta rabbinica : comprehendentia libellos quosdam singulares, & alia quae ad lectionem & interpretationem commentariorum rabbinicorum faciunt : in usum Collegii rabbinici : Singula post praefationem indicantur. The books included in the set are: G. Genebrardi Isagoge rabbinica — Ejusdem Meditationes et tabulae rabbinicae — G. [!] Ceilarii Institutio rabbinica — J. Drusius De particulis rabbinicis — Index commentariorum rabbinicorum, qui in sacrum codicem aut partes ejus conscripti sunt — J. Bartoloccii Vitae celebrium rabbinorum — R. Davidis Kimchii Commentarii in decem psalmos priores Davidicos, cum versione latina [Ambrosii Janvier]. The place and publisher are: Trajecti ad Rhenum: ex libraria Jacobi à Poolsum et Jacobi Broedelet. 1723. The books are bound in a splendid semi leather binding with golden letters within a matching box. The title page of the fourth book was mistakenly bound within the third book. Apart from a few strengthened leaves all of them are in very good condition. Extremely rare.