LOT 1: "On the Seventh Day of Pesach, it is customary to learn Mechilta" – Mechilta de-Rabbi Yishmael, Venice 1545 in the Bomberg press. The Mechilta, a halachic Midrash on Sefer Shemos, covers topics including the Korban Pesach, the Yetzias Mitzrayim, the Kriyas Yam Suf, and the Shirah. It is ...
LOT 2: "To Have the 613 Mitzvot Fluent in One's Mouth" – Avodas HaLevi, Venice 1546 Avodas HaLevi, a guide to the location of all the mitzvot according to Tur, Sefer HaMitzvot (SeMaG), Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (SeMaK), and Rabbeinu Yerucham, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Eliezer HaLevi, Venice 1546. This is the ...
LOT 3: “...L’maan Yisa’uhu B’cheikam L’hagos Bo B’chol Eis…” – Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, Venice 1594 – Early and Important Edition Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, authored by Rabbeinu Yosef Karo with the glosses of Rabbeinu HaRema, printed in Venice, 1594 – an early and significant edition. ...
LOT 4: "Chochmas HaKochavim" – Makor Chaim, Mantua 1559 – First Edition Makor Chaim, elucidations on the commentary of the Ibn Ezra on the Torah, authored by Rav Shmuel Tzartzara (Rav Shmuel Ibn Sana), one of the great Chachmei Sefarad, printed in Mantua, 1559 – First Edition. The author opens ...
LOT 5: "A Splendor of Perfect Beauty" – Set of Mikra’os "HaChatzar HaChadasha, " Amsterdam 1768 – An Unparalleled Display of Glory and Majesty! A complete set of the Chamisha Chumshei Torah, known as "HaChatzar HaChadasha", including Tikkun Sofrim, Peirush Rashi, and Rabbeinu Don Yitzchak ...
LOT 6: Shut Kol Aryeh with Glosses by the Author’s Grandson, the ‘Katzeh HaMateh’ – Unpublished! Responsa Kol Aryeh, Part I, a collection of halachic responsa by the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yehuda HaKohen Schwartz, first edition, Sámolyó 1904. Throughout the sefer, remarkable handwritten glosses ...
LOT 7: A holy letter full of blessings with two signatures, from the renowned Rabbi Yehoshua Buksbaum of Galanta, to his nephew, Rabbi Mordechai Buksboim, from Jerusalem. The holy Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Buksboim left a lasting impression on his nephew, Rabbi Mordechai Buksbaum, who, in his ...
LOT 8: Semicha from HaGaon HaKadosh Baal Binas Yissachor of Sengeorge – Granted to the Renowned Gaon Rav Shlomo Baruch Prager, Hy”d, Av Beis Din of Petrowasella A semicha document of Ha Gaon Reb Yisoschor Ber Kohn, zt”l, Av Beis Din of Sengeorge, author of Binas Yisoschor. Issued on ...
LOT 9: "The World of the Posesk of the Generation" - The Treasure of the Holy 'Shu"t Shevet HaLevi' Zt"l A priceless collection of letters written in the holy handwriting of the great Posek of our generation, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wozner Zt"l, the author of Shevet HaLevi. This collection spans the ...
LOT 10: The Position of Dayan in the Capital City of Budapest – A Letter from the Great Gaon Rabbi Yonatan Steif zt"l Regarding His Appointment to Serve in Pest as a Dayan A letter from the year 1923 written by the great gaon, Rabbi Yonatan Steif zt"l, when he was appointed to serve as a dayan and ...
LOT 11: A Complete Unpublished Work – The Rabbinic Controversy of Tállya – Ancestor of the ‘Arugos HaBosem’ – Handwritten Endorsements from the Great Scholars of Hungary – Never Before Printed! Sefer Ra'anan Ezrach – Charut Enosh, three parts: Part I: Commentary on Tanach and the words of Chazal. ...
LOT 12: Rare Certificate of Chaver from HaGaon HaKadosh Baal Be’er Menachem of Kaliv, – Awarded to His Beloved Talmid, HaGaon HaRav Shalom Yosef Spitzer, Hy”d A rare and unique document—a Certificate of Chaver written by the renowned Rav Menachem Brody, zy”a, Baal Be’er Menachem , to his cherished ...
LOT 13: "Not to Become Gashmiyusdik in America – So That You May Return Home Whole in Neshama and Guf" A Holy Handwritten Letter by the Gaon HaKadosh, Rav Shaul Brach, zt”l, Av Beis Din of Kashau A holy letter entirely in the sacred handwriting and signature of the renowned Gaon and Tzaddik ...
LOT 14: The Meat Controversy in the Karlsburg Community – Letter from the Heilige Maharitz Dushinsky – 1931 A letter from Rav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, during his tenure as Rav of Huszt, addressed to Rav Ephraim Fishel Sofer (apparently Av Beis Din of Csuc and later a rov in Pest, passed away in 1942). ...
LOT 15: Maseches Shekalim, Amsterdam 1727 – Personal Copy of the Holy Gaon, Rav Nosson Adler, zt”l A rare edition of Maseches Shekalim, printed in Amsterdam, 1727, with commentaries by Rashi, Rabbeinu Ovadia of Bartenura, Tosafos Yom Tov, Biurei R’ Eliyah, and Biur R’ Yaakov of Krakow. The flyleaf ...
LOT 16: A True Rarity! – Ramban Al HaTorah, Salonika 1521 – First Edition with Chumash!Special Edition!Ramban on Torah, Saloniki 1521, first edition together with the Chumash, including the translations of Onkelos, Rashi, and Ramban. Parts: Vayikru, Bamidbor, and Dvorim. The book was ...
LOT 17: The Aruch, Basel 1799 – Dedication by the Renowned Gaon Rabbi Nathan Adler of Hannover and London, Author of Nesina LaGer The Aruch, explanations of words according to the Talmud and Midrashim, by Rabbi Avraham Maromi, Basel, 1799. On the title page is a dedication by the renowned Gaon ...
LOT 18: Responsa Divrei Rivvos Venice, 1757 – A Copy of the Great Gaon Rabbi Bonam Iger – Brother of Rabbi Akiva Iger Divrei Rivvos, questions and answers, by the renowned Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Aderbi, Venice, 1757 – second edition. This is a copy that belonged to the great Gaon Rabbi Bonam Ginz-Iger ...
LOT 19: A Letter Seeking Tefillah and Yeshuah from the Gaon Known for His "Ruach HaKodesh" – Rav Shmuel Rosenberg, Av Beis Din of Unsdorf – Addressed to the "Lev HaIvri" Before the Yamim Noraim, 5655 A petition for tefillah and salvation, written before the Yamim Noraim of 5655 (Parshas Nitzavim) ...
LOT 20: Incredible Explanations on the Concept of Reincarnation and the Plagues of Egypt – In the Handwriting of the Tzaddik Rabbi Yehoshua Baruch Reinitz, Son-in-Law of the Holy Rebbe 'Menuchas Asher' of Tschenger Incredible insights on the Parshas Bo, including topics of repentance, confession ...
LOT 21: Incredible Explanations on the Torah (Parshas Miketz) – In the Handwriting of the Tzaddik Rabbi Yehoshua Baruch Reinitz, Son-in-Law of the Holy Rebbe 'Menuchas Asher' of Tschenger Incredible explanations on Parshas Miketz and the matters of Yosef HaTzaddik, written in the autograph of the ...
LOT 22: Chasam Sofer – Chiddushei Sugyos – From the Holy Gaon of Nasaud, zt”l, and His Distinguished Descendants A precious copy of Chiddushei Sugyos of the Chasam Sofer, which belonged to the holy Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Freund, zt”l, Av Beis Din of Nasaud, and later to his son, the holy ...
LOT 23: Ohel David – Author’s Glosses & Unpublished Annotations from the Boruch Taam! Ohel David, chiddushim on Masechtos Sukkah, Yoma, Chagigah, and Pesachim, authored by the renowned Gaon Rav Dovid Deutch, Av Beis Din of Ir Chadash, Vienna (1820) – First Edition. This sefer ...
LOT 24: The Divrei Chaim on the Torah from the treasure of the holy gaon, the Apsei Eretz of Nanash zt”l, with manuscript glosses in his handwriting The holy sefer Divrei Chaim on the Torah, first printed in Moncatsch in 1877, is attributed to our holy Rebbe of Sanz, zt”l, who was a disciple of the ...
LOT 25: A Rare Treasure – Ksav Yad Kodesh of the Gaon and Tzaddik, Rav Avigdor of Dukla, Brother of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, Zy”a A letter of recommendation and authorization for writing Sta”m, from the expert sofer of Dukla, Rav Yissachar Ber, z”l, written on 10 Kislev 5637 (1876), for the sofer R’ ...
LOT 26: Sefer HaTerumah – Personal Copy of Admur HaGaon HaKadosh Rebbe Elisha of Gorlitz, zy”a Sefer HaTerumah, classic halachic rulings, authored by Rabbi Baruch ben Rabbi Yitzchak of France, one of the Baalei HaTosafos. Printed in Zolkiew, 1811. This exceptional copy bears the holy stamp of Reb ...
LOT 27: "The Zchus of My Father and Father-in-Law Should Protect Him in Every Way" A Letter from the Holy Rebbe, Rav Shlomo Horowitz of Rzeszów, Son-in-Law and Successor of the Rebbe, Rav Elazar of Rzeszów A sacred letter filled with brochos from the holy Rebbe, Rav Shlomo Horowitz of Rzeszów, Hy”d ...
LOT 28: Chavos Daas, Lemberg 1799, First Edition – Very Rare!Chavos Daas, chiddushim on Yoreh De’ah, from Raban Shel Yisroel, Rabbeinu Yaakov Lorberbaum of Lissa, zy”a. Printed in Lemberg 1799 – First Edition. Yesod HaHora’ah – The Author’s First Sefer Chavos Daas was the first and ...
LOT 29: The Satmar Dynasty – Sefer Toldos Adam, First Edition – Jerusalem 1845 Promise of Satmar Ruv: "Purchasing this Sefer Brings Blessing into One’s Home" Sefer Toldos Adam, chidushim on sugyos haShas, authored by the HaGaon Hakedosh Rabbi Moshe Dovid Ashkenazi, Av Beis Din of Tolcsva and ...
LOT 30: The Foundational Sefer for Traveling to Kivrei Tzaddikim – Maavar Yabok from the Holy Satmar Rebbe ZYA"A Maavar Yabok, authored by Rabbi Aharon Berachia of Modena, detailing conduct and practices for a yahrtzeit, as well as the foundational sefer for all minhagim related to the Chevra Kadisha ...
LOT 31: Gemara Shabbos, Printed in Warsaw 1859, Belonging to the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yoel Velitchker Zt"l, Av Beis Din of Tresif A Gemara in Maseches Shabbos, printed in Warsaw in the year 1859, that belonged to the holy gaon Rabbi Yoel Velitchker-Ashkenazi Zt"l, Av Beis Din of Tresif. It bears his seal ...
LOT 32: Sighet-Satmar Dynasty – “Take Great Care to Fulfill the Mitzvah of Guarding Your Life” – A Rare and Extraordinary Letter from the Holy Rabbi of Kalbasha, Son of the Yetev Lev of Sighet, Regarding Pesach Stringencies! A holy letter, containing wondrous guidance and blessings, written by the ...
LOT 33: "Please Go to the Rebbetzin and Give Her the Necessary Funds"Negotiations Over the Rabbanus of Orshiva – A Rare Early Letter from the Satmar Rebbe – Sighet, 29 Shevat 5670 (1910) A handwritten ksav kodesh, personally penned and signed by the Rebbe of Satmar, zy”a, one of the earliest ...
LOT 34: A very interesting Letter from the Satmar Rebbe, to His Rebbetzin, entirely in the Yiddish language, Concerned About Her Health A holy letter, entirely in the Ksav Yad Kodesh of Maran Rabbeinu HaKadosh of Satmar, zy”a, written in the city of Satmar in 5703, addressed to his Rebbetzin, the ...
LOT 35: A Heartfelt Letter from the Satmar Rebbetzin A”h on the Health of Her Husband, the Rebbe Rav Yoel of Satmar Zy”a – Written in the Early Post-War Years A deeply emotional two-page letter, entirely handwritten by the esteemed Rebbetzin Alte Feige Teitelbaum A”h, the tzadekes renowned for her ...
LOT 36: Royal Garb! – The Shawl of the Satmar Rebbe, Zt”l The silk shawl worn by the heilige Satmar Rebbe, during the winter months—crafted from luxurious silk fabric, produced by the renowned GUCCI textile house, adorned with elegant decorations. A rare opportunity to acquire a heilige item from ...
LOT 37: מחזור רבינו פסח. איום קדוש: מחזור ל'חג הפסח' של עמוד צלותהון דישראל רביה"ק מסאטמאר זי"ע מחזור מטה לוי, שבו שפך נפשו בתפלתו איש אלקים קדוש מרן רביה"ק מסאטמאר זי"ע, בימי חג המצות זמן חרותינו! דפוס יצחק אייזיק גראס, ברוקלין ניו יארק תשכ"ה [1965]. כרוך בכריכת עור מפוארה, ועל הכריכה הוטבע ...
LOT 38: A handwritten approbation by the holy Rabbi, the "B'racha Moshe" of Satmar, Zt"l, on the book of the holy Rabbi, Rabbi Naftali of Tchokaveh, Zt"l A complete handwritten letter of approval (in the holy handwriting) from the "B'racha Moshe" of Satmar, Zt"l, on the book of Rabbi Naftali of ...
LOT 39: The Spinka Dynasty – Sefer HaTishbi with the Signature of HaGaon HaKadosh Rabbi Avraham Abish Horowitz of Kruli, Son-in-Law of the ‘Chakal Yitzchak’ of Spinka, Zt”l Sefer HaTishbi – a classic work on Hebrew grammar by the renowned grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur, with the commentary Ragle ...
LOT 40: Holy letter from Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi of Spinka This is a holy letter from Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi of Spinka זצ"ל to Rabbi Naftali of Tshakava זצ"ל, written on Monday of Parshas Terumah, 5734 (1974), entirely in his holy handwriting. Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Horowitz of Spinka זצ"ל was the beloved ...
LOT 41: The Glayonim of the Holy Rabbi Yehuda'le – Not Printed: The Book Tiv Gittin Belonging to the Holy Rabbi Menasheh of Zhidichov-Keretsky zt"l, and the Holy Rabbi Yehuda'le of Dzikov zt"l, with Many Handwritten Notes The book Tiv Gittin by the Holy Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolies of Brod zt"l ...
LOT 42: A Letter of Berachos from the Holy Rav, Reb Yehuda’le Horowitz of Dzikov – Mentioning the Talis Sent from the ‘Toras Mordechai’ ZYA”A A remarkable letter of berachos from the holy tzaddik, Rabbi Yehuda’le Horowitz of Dzikov Ztzuk”l, addressed to Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss. At the beginning of the ...
LOT 43: An invitation from the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Kretshnif, zt”l, to his granddaughter’s wedding, with an addition in his holy handwriting. A wedding invitation sent by the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Kretshnif, zt”l, in honor of the wedding of his granddaughter, the daughter of ...
LOT 44: A Holy Letter Full of Blessings from the Holy Tzadik, Rabbi Itzikel of Peshaworsk zy''a A letter full of blessings, handwritten by the great and holy tzadik, Rabbi Itzikel of Peshaworsk, written in the month of Nissan, before the Yom Tov of Pesach. In the continuation of the letter ...
LOT 45: Genealogical Tree: A Holy Letter from the Holy Rabbi Yaakov of Peshawarsk Zt"l, Detailing His Five-Generation Lineage A holy letter written entirely in the holy handwriting of the Holy Rabbi Yaakov of Peshawarsk Zt"l, dated Wednesday, the 22nd of Kislev, 1977 [approximately two and a half ...
LOT 46: A Double Blessing in Handwriting and Holy Signature from Maran HaGaon HaTzadik Rabbi Leibush Leizer of Peshawarsk Shlit"a A printed "Shanah Tovah" blessing, sent by HaGaon HaTzadik Maran Rabbi Leibush Leizer of Peshawarsk Shlit"a many years ago, in preparation for the High Holy Days. It ...
LOT 47: Pri Toar – The Personal Sefer of the Baal Maor VaShemesh, Zy”a! Pri Toar, commentary on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah (a response to Sefer Pri Chadash), authored by the holy Rabbeinu Chaim ben Atar, Baal Or HaChaim, printed in Zolkiew, 1810 – Second Edition. On the front pages, multiple ...
LOT 48: The Shulchan Aruch of the Tzaddikim of the Radomsk Dynasty – A Sacred Legacy of Radomsk Chassidus! Shulchan Aruch (Mageni Eretz), Orach Chaim, with Commentaries, in Two Volumes, Lviv, 1880. This is a copy belonging to the Radomsk dynasty, passed down from father to son, beginning with ...
LOT 49: The Personal Tehillim and Nach of the Saraf of Mogielnica, His Father Rabbi Avi Ezri Zelig of Grenitz, and His Son Rabbi Elimelech of Grodzisk, Zy”a – Ash Kodesh!!!! Kadosh V’Nora!An exceptionally rare find, never before seen at auction! A set of Nevi’im Rishonim, Nevi’im Acharonim, and ...
LOT 50: Chiddushei HaRashba with Signature of the Holy Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska Chiddushei HaRashba (which are actually the chiddushim of the Ramban) on Maseches Kesubos, with glosses of Rabbeinu the Tosfos Yom Tov on Tur Even HaEzer, Metz 1765. On the title page is the sacred signature of Rabbi ...
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