Аукцион 14

от Trē Zouzē

Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, Израиль

We are excited to present youour new art books collection, in which, as usual, we bring you the best books we have been able to purchase from collectors around the country, some of which are from the poet Nathan Zach's estate. The catalog includes almost new books alongside antiques, international and local artists, and of course, signed and dedicated books and books featuring original works. This time we also added a nice selection of fashion books.

* The books can be collected independently from our address at Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, between the days Sunday-Thursday 10: 00-17: 00, or delivered inside Israel at a cost of 45 NIS, or abroad with price determined by weight and shipping method.

for further details:

Dana - 050-5513559

Alon- 054-8133311

Ellie- 054-8365736

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