Vente 134 Special Sale no Incunables, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad and Rare books
LOT 151: The Mir Yeshivah Leaves Shanghai: Historic Letter by Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz. Important and lengthy historic letter dealing with the Mir yeshivah's preparations to leave their place of exile in Shanghai at the end of the Holocaust. Due to the delicate nature of receiving entry permits for the ...
LOT 152: The Rosh Yeshivah of Mir, the Great Gaon Rabbi Nachum Partzovitz, Juggles Debts. Lengthy and interesting letter [approximately 250 words], entirely handwritten by the rosh yeshivah of Mir, the renowned gaon Rabbi Nachum Partzovitz - "R' Nochem" - one of the leading roshei yeshivah of recent ...
LOT 153: Important Letter from Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein about the Mashgiach of the Ponovezh Yeshivah. Important and fascinating letter, entirely handwritten and signed by the mashgiach, the gaon and tzaddik Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein, to his friend the gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tzvi (Zeidel) Semiaticki ...
LOT 154: Halachic Responsa Handwritten by the Author of 'Chazon Ish'. Three short halachic responsa handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, the Chazon Ish. The Chazon Ish was asked questions in writing, and answered them briefly, as was his way. Three paper scraps upon which the Chazon Ish ...
LOT 155: Rare Blessings Handwritten and Signed by the Sar HaTorah, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. "To be blessed by this [time] and the next [time], with spiritual joy and goodness, and his reward from Heaven is double." (From Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's blessings) Lengthy letter of recommendation for the ...
LOT 156: Amazing Letter: Rabbi Shach's Famous and Overflowing Love of Torah. You will always be intoxicated with her love Lengthy and important letter that demonstrates the gaon Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach's famous and overflowing love of Torah. Entirely in his hand and with his signature ...
LOT 157: Not Printed! Rare Torah Novellae and a Rare Blessing from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Large leaf [25 lines] with rare Torah novellae about the Beit HaMikdash , with a blessing - also rare - in the margins. Entirely handwritten and signed by the posek hador , Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. These ...
LOT 158: Aggadic Novellae Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv with a Part that Wasn't Printed. "... Before the Elections, they Promise. Afterwards, they do Nothing ..." . This leaf, written on both sides, bears three passages, with Aggadic novellae handwritten by the posek hador , Rabbi ...
LOT 159: Rare and Important Collection of [12] Letters from Rabbinic Leaders of the Past Two Generations. Part I. Complete collection of important letters from rabbinic leaders of the previous two generations. This collection is professionally preserved and the letters are in like-new condition. Most of ...
LOT 160: Rare and Important Collection of [12] Letters from Rabbinic Leaders of the Previous and the Most Recent Generation, Part II. Complete collection of important letters from rabbinic leaders of the two most recent generations. The collection was professionally preserved. Most of the letters are ...
LOT 161: Large Collection of Wedding and Bar Mitzvah Invitations, Personalities from Jerusalem of Yesteryear. Large and spectacular collection - [27] different wedding, bar mitzvah, brit and birthday invitations! All from Jewish families, some famous and prominent. Jerusalem, early 20th century. ...
LOT 162: The Original Historic Proclamation - The Boycott of Bank Leumi that Changed the Status of the Israeli Public Consumer. "Kol Koreh" - Consumer boycott of Bank Leumi due to the desecration of graves by the Africa-Israel company at the Ganei Chemat Hotel in Tiberias. The original document signed by ...
LOT 163: Important Kabbalistic Letter Loaded with Blessings Handwritten by the "Yessod HaAvodah" of Slonim. "Peace unto you and your whole family, peace for all" (from the Yessod HaAvodah's blessings) Important Kabbalistic letter regarding Chassidic Divine service on the Sukkot festival. Entirely ...
LOT 164: Letter from the Admo"r the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim - Condemnimg Controversy and Jealousy, and Praising Love of Friends which is the "Spring of Salvation for livelihood, Wealth, Success and all Goodness." - 1890 - Not Printed. Handwritten letter from the Admo"r Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim ...
LOT 165: The Segulah Greater that All Cures - Handwritten Segulah Letter from the Beit Avraham of Slonim. Healing and segulah letter full of blessings, recommendations and segulahs for recovery. Entirely [over 100 words] handwritten and signed by the third Admo"r of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (II) ...
LOT 166: Letter from the "Yunger Rebbe" of Slonim after his Appointment as Admo"r, while an Engaged Youth. Rare and important letter, entirely handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg of Slonim, the "Yunger Rebbe" - one of the leading Admo"rim of his generation. Written ...
LOT 167: The October Riots - Historic-Chassidic Letter Handwritten by the Birkat Avraham of Slonim. Family-historic-Chassidic letter, entirely handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (III) of Slonim, author of Birkat Avraham . Sent to his wife and children in Tiberias during the ...
LOT 168: Conversation of Angels: Fascinating Family Letter Handwritten by the Admo"r of Slonim to his Uncle in Tiberias. Lengthy and important family letter entirely handwritten and signed by the third Admo"r of Slonim, the Rebbe Rabbi Yissacher Leib Weinberg. Sent to his uncle, the Rebbe Rabbi Noach ...
LOT 169: Letter of Rare Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael Friedman Boyan-Leipzig. Sacred letter with huge and rare blessings for a 60th birthday (a significant date) by the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael Friedman of Boyan-Leipzig. Tel Aviv, 1946. Scribal script, with the Admo"r's signature at the end. The ...
LOT 170: Pair of Sacred Documents Signed by the G-dly Kabbalist, the Ba'al HaSulam, and his Son and Successor. * Official Edah HaChareidit of Jerusalem marriage certificate signed by the leading Kabbalist of recent generations, the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag, known as the "Ba'al HaSulam." ...
LOT 171: Pair of Important Documents Signed by Rabbi Nachumche and his Son Rabbi David of Rachmastrivska. * Official certificate for the marriage of the tzaddik Rabbi Yechiel Michel Hager, the Admo"r of Savran, signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Nachumche Twerski of Rachmastrivska. Jerusalem, 3 Elul 1927. The ...
LOT 172: Sacred Historic Item: Signature from the Leading Wonder-Worker, Rabbi Shlomke of Zvhil, on an Edah Chareidit Membership Certificate. Pair of Edah Chareidit membership certificates for the G-dly Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Goldman "Rebbe Shlomke" of Zvhil, and his grandson and successor, Rabbi Mordechai ...
LOT 173: Letter from the Renowned Wonder-Worker the Admo"r Rabbi Gedaliah Moshe of Zvhil. Interesting letter about a tragic incident in Jerusalem, from the renowned wonder-worker the Admo"r Rabbi Gedaliah Moshe Goldman of Zvhil - progenitor of the famous segulah, tried-and-true - to ascend to his grave ...
LOT 174: Extremely Rare Letter of Healing Handwritten by the 'Beit Yisrael' of Gur. " --- May your mother achieve a complete recovery, all the members of your household, your mother-in-law as well as your sister and the whole family. Your friend who seeks your well-being, good and success, Yisrael." ...
LOT 175: Ketubah Handwritten by the Admo"r of Makhnivka. Extremely Rare. Ketubah signed by the renowned wonder-worker, the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel Twerski of Makhnivka, one of the most prominent Admo"rim of recent generations. Jerusalem, 1983. Signatures by the Rebbe are so rare they are ...
LOT 176: Lengthy Chassidic-Controversial Responsum. " ... and a primary principle from our sacred forefathers and rabbis ... is not to say, Heaven forbid, that reality contradicts the poskim ..."
LOT 177: Letter from Rabbi Yisrael ber Odesser, From the Period in Which he Received the "Petek" from Heaven. Letter from the "Sabba" Rabbi Yisrael [Ber] Odesser, 'Ba'al HaPetek.' Sharp letter about the persecution and harassment he experienced from Slonim Chassidim in Tiberias due to his drawing close ...
LOT 178: Historic Document: Establishment of the Shuvu Banim Yeshivah with the Steipler's Blessing. "And all who assist with this mitzvah (for the Shuvu Banim Institutions) will be blessed from Heaven with all goodness in this world and the principle will be saved from him for the next world ...
LOT 179: Invitation Signed by the Admo”r of Skver. "May Hashem command the blessing for all your children in joy and the constant satisfaction of happiness. And may it be His will that there be an abundance of celebration and salvation among the entire Jewish people." Invitation from the Admo”r Rabbi ...
LOT 180: Letter Filled with Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Hersheleh Spinker. Rare. Letter handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Horowitz of Spinka, USA, close friend and study partner of the Admo"r Rabbi Yoelish of Satmar. Sent to Rabbi David Greensweig. [New York], 1961. The Rebbe ...
LOT 181: Sacred and Awesome! The Shofar that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Shimon of Yaroslav, Leading Disciple of the Chozeh. He will sound a large shofar and a still small voice will be heard Shofar blown by the Admo"r Rabbi Shimon of Yaroslav - one of the most prominent Admo"rim of the generations ...
LOT 182: Ten Blessed Banknotes from the Steipler & Letter Handwritten by him. Ten thousand shekels - ten bills with a face value of 1000 old shekels each (the famous banknote bearing the image of the Ramba"m) given directly from the sacred hands of the Steipler to his disciple and close associate, Rabbi ...
LOT 183: Segulah of all Segulot! The Admo"r of Ribnitz's Spice Tower with the Wondrous Hyssop the Rebbe himself Smelled. "Purge me of sin with hyssop and I will be purified" Spice tower that belonged to the renowned wonder-worker Rabbi Chaim Zanvl Abramowitz of Ribnitz, that the Rebbe smelled over ...
LOT 184: The Personal Siddur Used for Prayer by the Tosher Rebbe Over Many Years. Kvittelach Handwritten by him as well as a Gloss. Personal siddur of the elder Admo"r of his generation, known as "The Pillar of Prayer and Kindness, " the sacred Rebbe Meshulam Feish Segal of Tosh. As attested by the ...
LOT 185: The Admo"r Rabbi Yehudaleh of Dzikov's Kabbalistic Siddur. Kabbalistic siddur that belonged to the Admo"r Yehudaleh of Dzikov, from which the Rebbe prayed for many years using Kavanot HeAr"i on weekdays and Shabbat. Four owners' signatures on the flyleaves handwritten by the Rebbe himself, as ...
LOT 186: Has the Shl"ah's Seal been Discovered?. Signet ring made of a mixture of bronze and tin for wax, with the inscription 'Yeshaya son of Avraham z"l, ' with two fish facing opposite directions, symbolizing the tribe of Levi. Poland-Germany, c. early 17th century. This name is familiar as one of ...
LOT 187: His Mother would Make him a Small Robe - Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach's Tallit Kattan. "And the tallit will spread its wings over them and shade them, as an eagle awakens its nest and hovers over its fledglings" The wondrous tallit kattan of the G-dly warrior of Divine wars, the sacred gaon Rabbi ...
LOT 188: Personal Siddur and Tehillim used by the Gaon Rabbi Nathan Tzvi Finkel. "Whoever has someone ill should seek out the rabbi who maintains the yeshivah to bless him" (The earliest source for prayers by tzaddikim) Personal siddur by the person who exerted himself most for Torah, the leading ...
LOT 189: Personal Book of Tehillim that Belonged to the Ra'ava"d of Meknes, Rabbi Raphael Baruch Toledano. "I shall sing a song in honor of the Torah" Personal book of Tehillim that belonged to Rabbi Raphael Baruch Toledano, av beit din of Meknes and the surrounding towns, and author of the familiar ...
LOT 190: The Baba Sali's Sacred Shirt, with the Sweat of his Pure Heart. "It is said that the the Dinor river flows from the sweat of the chayot hakodesh " ( Ba'al HaTurim , Bereishit 8) White cotton shirt, custom made, worn on the pure body of the greatest Kabbalist of recent generations, the ...
LOT 191: Most Sacred: Rabbi Yitzchak Kadouri's Personal Tobacco Box, Including the Tobacco. A satisfying aroma for Hashem Personal tobacco case that belonged to the leading Kabbalist of the recent generation, Chacham Yitzchak Kadouri, with leftover tobacco from that which was sniffed by Rabbi Kadouri ...
LOT 192: Amulet for Love the Likes of Which has Never been Seen, in both Power and Beauty. Especially powerful amulet designed to bind a young woman's soul - even without her will nor her knowledge! - to the soul of a man who wants to marry her. The amulet was written in ink on especially high-quality ...
LOT 193: HaIlan HaKodesh Amulet by the Mahara"m Papirosh. Rare in its Beauty. Placed in a Silver Case. HaIlan HaKadosh - amulet handwritten by an expert scribe in tiny script, beautiful and clear, with strong ink, on high-quality especially thin parchment (to be easily carried on the body). The amulet is ...
LOT 194: Coin for Protection by the Holy Floorlayer, Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch, with his signature. Segulah coin given by the tzaddik and Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch, with his signature. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the tzaddik Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch. [1] ...
LOT 195: Tashlich. Oil Painting by Kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah Patilon - the Holy Painter. Painting of the recital of Tashlich by Kabbalist Yehudah Patilon. Kabbalist Yehudah Leon Patilon [d. Cheshvan 1974] was known as a wonder-worker and tremendous expert in the world of reincarnation and souls. He made a ...
LOT 196: Museum "Suitcase Binding" - Leather Covered Wooden Binding Integrated with Brass. Yemen, 19th Century. Impressive museum piece: The Torah Ohr book of Chamishah Chumshei Torah (Livorno, 1850), with a "suitcase binding" made of leather-covered wood, with buckle closures using removable "hooks." ...
LOT 197: Historic Remnant Saved from Pogroms: Wooden Railing from a Synagogue Bimah. Kishinev, 1898. Large railing made of solid wood. Several pieces of planed wood glued together. Figures of two majestic lions holding a "sign" written on both sides: "ק"ק קישענייב Кишинёв, תרנ"ח 1898" and "Donated for ...
LOT 198: Illustrated Passover Haggadah on Parchment. Especially Impressive. Passover Haggadah, written on parchment in scribal script and elegantly hand-colored. Produced by an expert artist with ink on high-quality parchment, 1989. Stunning pictures, colorful and especially impressive. The artist's ...
LOT 199: Beautiful and important edition of the prayer book established by the Alter Rebbe . Prayer Services per the Text of the Ar"i z"l, Arranged by the Alter Rebbe, Shneur Zalman of Liadi, and his Son, the Mittler Rebbe, Rabbi DovBer. With Laws and Chassidic Essays. Warsaw, 1866-1867. Two Parts Part ...
LOT 200: Prayer Service per the Text of the Ar"i z"l [Königsberg, 1852] Two Parts. Magnificent Binding. Prayer service per the Ar"i z"l's text, arranged by the Elder Admo"r Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi with laws and Chassidic essays. Siddur per the Chaba"d text. With halachahs and Chassidic essays by ...
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